Mountains and Summits
in Grossarltal
For all hikers and mountaineers looking to aim higher, Grossarltal offers a wide range of summit and mountain tours. From easily hikeable grassy mountainsides to challenging high-alpine tours, there's something here for everyone. That said, you're sure to find a tour destined to become your personal favorite.
By the way, guided alpine tours are also offered by BERG-GESUND.
In the Valley of Mountain Huts, gentle alpine meadows and grassy summits dominate the landscape, reaching elevations up to 2,424 meters, like the Frauenkogel, Kreuzkogel, and Gründegg. In addition, you'll also find some striking limestone formations that are quite unusual for Grossarltal, such as the Schuhflicker, Sandkogel, and Draugstein. The mountaineering village of Hüttschlag captivates with its alpine landscapes and is home to the Keeskogel, the only glacier and thus the highest mountain in Grossarltals.

Summit Crosses
Most of the prominent peaks in Grossarltal are adorned with a cross which, for many hikers and mountaineers, is official indication that a mountain is indeed worthy of being designated a “summit”. Dating back to the 13th century, summit crosses have been erected in the Alps on mountains above the tree line. Initially, these crosses mainly served as boundary markers and navigational points.
It wasn't until the 17th century that these crosses began to acquire religious significance. Often, so-called "weather crosses" were also placed on hills and passes. According to pagan customs, these were meant to ward off storms. With the rise of alpinism in the 19th century and the ensuing geographic surveys, numerous summit crosses sprang up in the Alps. Many crosses in Grossarltal were erected in the 1950s and 1960s, often in memory of those who had fallen in World War II, or in gratitude for a safe return from the war and captivity.
Typically, these were simple wooden or metal crosses erected by local associations, mountain rescue teams, or circles of family and friendst.
In recent years, many old crosses, weather-worn and often damaged by the elements, have been replaced by new, intricately designed summit crosses. These often feature special symbolism, as seen on the Filzmooshöhe or the Kitzstein, for instance. On many summits, you'll also find a small box containing a summit logbook. These mountain diaries capture countless moments of joy, personal encounters, as well as tragic and fateful stories.