Hiking Professionals
in Grossarltal
Grossarltal, also known as the "Valley of Mountain Huts," is one of Austria's most stunning hiking regions. A variety of businesses in the area have specialized in tailoring their services to meet all your hiking needs. These businesses are indicated by the symbol of a hiking boot and offer a full range of services tailored for all of you hikers out there.

Services of Our Hiking Professionals
- At least 3 guided hikes weekly (mid-May to October) or membership in BERG-GESUND
- Hiking poles to borrow
- Rucksacks to borrow
- Umbrellas to borrow
- Thermos flasks to borrow
- Drying room for hiking boots and clothing
- Personal touring tips
- Early-Risers' Breakfast (exception: holiday apartments)
- Touring tips on the website
- Hiking map and hiking info about Grossarltal on display
- Free Wi-Fi