
Grossarltal Tourist Office is a legal entity under public law in accordance with statute of the Salzburg Provincial Legislature dated 10 December 1996.
This liability disclaimer is also valid for pages of Grossarltal Tourist Office on facebook, google+, youtube, pinterest, twitter, instagram and flickr.
All prices listed on this website – unless otherwise expressly stated – are in EURO and include all applicable taxes.
All bookings through the tourist office, as well as those through its member businesses, unless otherwise stipulated by the business in question, are handled in accordance with the provisions of the General Terms & Conditions of the Austrian Hotel Industry dated 2006 (“Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für die Hotelerie 2006”). These stipulate the rules and obligations both of the landlord as well as the guest pertaining to cancellation conditions etc. In order to avoid cancellation penalties, we strongly recommend taking out holiday cancellation insurance, which you can book quickly and easily at: Europäische Reiseversicherung
Booking conditions in accordance with the General Terms & Conditions of the Austrian Hotel Industry (“AGBH 2006”).
Information on online dispute resolution
in accordance with art. 14 para. odr vo
The European Commission offers the possibility for online dispute resolution on one of their powered platforms (so-called "ODR platform"). The OS platform can serve as a focal point for the extra-judicial settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be reached via the external link
Data privacy
We respect your data privacy. Read more in the data privacy statement.
Accessibility statement
Tourism Association Großarltal is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with the Federal Act on the Accessible Design of Websites and Mobile Applications of the Federal Government (Web Accessibility Act – WZG) BGBl. I. No. 59/2019 as amended.
You can find out more about this in our declaration on accessibility.