Hiking Villages
Grossarl and Hüttschlag
"The Magic of Walking" — In November 2010, the milestone was reached: Grossarltal, with its two towns of Grossarl and Hüttschlag, became the first region in the province of Salzburg and the second in all of Austria to receive the Austrian Hiking Seal of Quality. This honor further underscores the Valley of Mountain Huts' expertise in offering exceptional hiking experiences..

Strict controls serve as the foundation for this quality seal. To continuously maintain quality in terms of the overall hiking experience and so as to enhance the various Whiking hiking offers, the Hiking Villages are regularly re-inspected and, upon meeting the established criteria, re-certified
Seal of Quality
In order to receive the Seal of Quality, organizations must meet the stringent standards established by the association – and do so on several levels:
The certification process looks at:
- Hiking specialists available at the accommodation providers
- Individual hiking paths
- Communities in the region
- The overall hiking offer
- Infrastructure
- Overall tourism offer
- Trail markers and signposting in towns and villages
- Hiking bus
- Trailheads
- Information
- The region as a whole
Das Gütesiegel wird von der „Vereinigung zur Qualitätssicherung für Wandern in Österreich“ vergeben. Dies ist ein gemeinsames Projekt von Österreichs Wanderdörfern, den Europa Wanderhotels, Der TAO-Beratungs- und Management Gmbh und der Alpines Wandermanagement GmbH. Zusammengearbeitet wird in enger Kooperation auch mit dem Kartenverlag Freytag & Berndt sowie der Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH in Graz.