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Tourismusverband Großarltal

+43 6414 281info@grossarltal.info

Wednesday | e-bike & hike tour | Bichlalm


Mittwoch| E-Bike & Hike Tour | Bichlalm

GroßarlShow on Map

Min. 2 Participants

Wednesday, April 2, 2025

Further Dates
from€ 20,00

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Wednesday, April 2, 2025

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E-Bike tour to the Bichlalm (1,731 m) followed by a hike on the Remsteinkopf (1.936 m).

  • round trip: 21 km
  • metres in altitude bike: 850
  • metres in altitude hike: 200

Meeting Point

"Aktiv" meeting point at the cable car parking area in Grossarl

Provider Information

Hotel Tauernhof
Unterbergstraße 55
5611 Großarl

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